Seminar “Towards the incorporation of emotion detection into user experience assessment” by prof. Alfredo Sánchez

alfredo_seminar_foto_mini The Internet Media Group will host the seminar “Towards the incorporation of emotion detection into user experience assessment” given by prof. Alfredo Sánchez on Thursday 30 May 2013, h. 10:00, in “meeting room 3″ (4th floor), at the Dip. Automatica e Informatica, Politecnico di Torino. The seminar is open to anyone interested in the topics.

The activity is within the context of the FP7 People/Irses S2EuNet Project “Security, Services, Networking and Performance of Next-Generation IP-Based Multimedia Wireless Networks”. ( ) The project fosters research collaboration of Politecnico with extra-EU partner institutions by funding mobility of research students, post-doc and faculty. For more information contact Enrico or Antonio of the Internet Media Group.

Abstract: Evaluating user experience necessarily involves interpreting emotions expressed or implied by people when presented with a product or a service. Emotions, however, are not always easy to detect and interpret, particularly when methods for detection interfere with the experience under evaluation, or are applied after usage, when emotions cannot be recalled with precision. This talk reports progress towards the development of means for detecting and interpreting emotions as they are experienced, and for their incorporation into the process of evaluating user experience.

Short bio: Alfredo Sánchez is professor of computer science and director of the Laboratory of Interactive and Cooperative Technologies ( at Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), Mexico, where he has conducted R&D projects in the areas of knowledge technologies and human-computer interaction (HCI) since 1996. Results from these projects have been reported in more than a hundred publications. He holds MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from Texas A&M University. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, and a visiting scientist at the Center for Botanical Informatics of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Prof. Sánchez serves at the editorial board of the Journal of Internet Services and Applications as well as the International Journal of Digital Libraries. He also has served as president of the Mexican Computer Science Society and has been a member of the National Researchers System.
