Testbed presented at Mecatronic Connection 2012

Here is the testbed that has been presented by the Internet Media Group at the Mecatronic Connection 2012 in Torino on Nov 27, 2012. The demonstration showed robust low-delay wireless stereoscopic video communications from a small radiocontrolled toy vehicle to a desktop PC equipped with 3D shutter glasses. The task consisted in aligning the glass under the ball so that, when the ball is released, it falls into the glass. The task is repeated with and without 3D vision, showing how 3D can help in performing tasks more precisely and quickly. The activities have been developed within the FAROS project.

The testbed has been developed entirely on Linux (Android for the HTC 3D mobile phone, with parts in native code - C language; C code using openGL libraries with stereo support by the graphics board for the PC part).

A gallery of pictures follows.