
Specific Proposals

NB: To see DETAILED THESIS TOPICS visit this page

General Introduction

The Internet Media Group (IMG) research activities focus on issues related to processing and transmission of multimedia signals, such as voice, audio (music), images and video. Great attention is devoted to the transmission of those types of signals on IP networks(both wired and wireless). Our group uses and foster, as much as possible, the GNU/Linux operating system and Free Software.

Open call

At any time we accept spontaneous candidacy of students with good abilities on the previously stated themes or interested in our research topics. Please contact the members of our research group by email.

How to submit a request for a master thesis

The requirements are:

  • four-month full time work (or equivalent);
  • good programming abilities (especially in C and, preferrably, in the Linux environment);
  • ability to work autonomously (with all the required support, of course, when needed).

We offer a stimulating environment, a lab where master thesis students can work, computer if needed, and the possibility to work from home if desired, with periodic scheduled meetings to review the progress of the thesis activities.

A good knowledge of the GNU/Linux operating system is appreciated, as well as, if attended, a good grade in the Elaborazione e trasmissione di informazioni multimediali (ETIM, Processing and Transmission of Multimedia Signals) course.

If interested to develop a master thesis with the Internet Media Group, please send a short curriculum vitae (1-2 pages) with an email to the members of our research group, specifying the topics of interest. You will be contacted for a short interview to know you in person as well as to discuss the currently available theses (the ones on the website as well as other ones if available) in more details, and to answer any of the doubts you might have about the thesis activity.